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Elder Abuse Information and Resources

Abuse is a crime and must be reported. Kentucky's Abuse reporting law requires that anyone with reasonable suspicions of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an adult must report their suspicions

If you believe that an older adult is in imminent danger, call 606-330-2192 or you local law enforcement agency immediately.

Abuse: 'the infliction of physical pain, mental injury or injury to an adult'

Neglect: 'a situation in which an adult is unable to perform or obtain for him/herself the services which are necessary to maintain health or welfare, or the deprivation of services by a caretaker which are necessary to maintain the health and welfare of a n adult, or a situation in which a person deprives his/her spouse of reasonable services to maintain health and welfare'

Exploitation: 'the improper use of an adult or an adult's resources by a caretaker or other person for the profit or advantage of the caretaker or other person'

Types of Abuse: can include physical, psychological, financial, self-neglect, verbal, emotional, neglect, abandonment, sexual

Signs of Abuse: can include unexplained injuries, unexplained nervousness, obvious neglect, sudden change in behavior, conflicting stories

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